Students’ Activities

Our Life Skills Education and Personal Safety Education is combined along with Value Education in a project that we have called GRASP. With modules developed by the combined efforts of our teachers and counselors, we aim to equip our students with awareness of their environment, personal response to situations, and skills that are crucial in life for health, happiness, and success.

The Student Council organizes the inter-house competitions among the four houses (Jagruti, Prerna, Vibhuti and Kshitij) for the secondary section students. These are mostly held on Saturdays. The objective is to develop a talent pool and generate team spirit amongst the four houses. Students enjoy a healthy competition to keep their house flag flying high.

Students present their learning through projects, displays and experiments in the exhibition organized for parents.

The school annual exhibition Effervescence has students’ present to parents their skills with academic projects related to the different subjects they study, and the practical application of key concepts. Students prepare models and charts and demonstrate experiments which showcase their knowledge and skills. In the lower classes, the school organizes a fun-fair where parents can bring their children to enjoy games, rides, and edible treats. It is a great family outing and lots of fun.

What make the annual fests special is that the best of the school is on display, the students and staff play host to our honoured guests – the parents, and a festive environment of camaraderie and excitement pervades the hearts and minds of all present.

A school band helps to develop character, good behavior, discipline, sportive spirit, team coordination and provides students with an Ideal “OUT” for their energies. Troop of students are trained by a Special trainer focusing on BCIS system and ethos.

Under the Global Schools Program, supported by UNESCO, our senior students engage in various community projects that bring to them the experience of civic responsibility, social awareness, understanding realities of different segments of society, value of empathy, compassion and generosity, as well as understanding the power of action. Students learn that they can make a difference, and that real change has to begin with them.

In keeping with the school’s belief that competitions and comparison are damaging to children at a young age, BCG introduces interschool competitions and examinations from the age of 11 years onwards. From class 5 onwards, students are offered a multitude of opportunities at the national and international level. With trained teachers to guide their preparations, our students excel in these and their achievements are our pride.

The curriculum integrates first-hand experience through field trips, tours, educational excursions, and camps to enhance student learning. The students also enjoy the class picnic each year.

Scouts and Guides are offered to all students which inculcate self-discipline, survival skills, and national pride.

Sharing Perspectives with Parents:

  • When the school and parents work in a spirit of trust and cooperation, it creates the best environment for the children. To establish positive relationships and mutual understanding, the school has a number of opportunities for interaction with parents.
  • Orientations to help parents of new students understand the system and familiarize themselves with the teachers.
  • Parent-teacher meetings for a healthy exchange of information, expectations, and guidelines.
  • Parent-Teacher Association that works towards the welfare of all children, and supports the school and its policies.
  • Parent Interaction Programme where parents can visit the child’s classroom in operation on any routine day, to understand the teaching methodology, and the classroom environment that fosters effective learning.
  • Weekly Information Cell is available for parents, where individual queries and concerns can be discussed regarding their child.
  • Access Days and Open House for parents to understand the core aspects of the curriculum and discuss student progress.
  • Parent workshops at different grades that guide parents towards creating a healthy environment at home to support children’s development.
  • Parents are welcome at our Annual Cultural Day and Sports Meet to watch their children perform.
  • Communication is further strengthened by instant notifications through SMS and E-mail service.

Students experience the PACE (Personal Awareness and Career Education) Programme in the Pace -lab where they access the Online worksheets on individual tablets and research and discuss with trained counsellors the self-awareness and career related curriculum using the web portal.

In an effort to help parents build a healthy family environment, the school offers workshops by professionals for parents at key stages of the child’s development. Parents have a major influence on the child and interacting with professionals can support their efforts to give their child the best advantage in life.

The school has 30 years of experience in the field of education and its philosophy and practices ( as stated in the Mission and Vision statement) reflect total dedication to education in the true sense where each child is considered a unique individual and all the activities are focused on exploring and showcasing their potential to the optimum.

Our weekly theme based school assemblies for K-6 to K-10 students provide a foundation of understanding for the community, in which students can better understand the “big picture” of their learning and school life. By being in assembly together, it immediately becomes something that everyone shares and identifies with, fostering greater solidarity and school spirit.

The PACE programme provides access to professional online portals so that students can explore their interests and aptitudes. Students acquire the competencies and awareness required to develop a road-map to their further education and future career.

As per their interests, students may enroll in clubs like music club, nature club, science club, dance club, E-club ,robotics and literary club. The clubs offer myriad activities, opportunities to perform, and guest interactions. Students are enthusiastic members of clubs, working actively at building knowledge, responsibility and sensitivity.

Intensive coaching is offered for various activities outside of the students’ school hours for games and sports such as athletics, football, handball, cricket, karate, throw-ball, softball, basketball, baseball, chess, table tennis, skating. Coaching in various dance forms such as contemporary, western and Indian classical like Bharat-Natyam is also provided.

The school has an established N.C.C . Air Wing for boys and Girls.

In an effort to help parents build a healthy family environment, the school offers workshops by professionals for parents at key stages of the child’s development. Parents have a major influence on the child and interacting with professionals can support their efforts to give their child the best advantage in life.

The school has 30 years of experience in the field of education and its philosophy and practices ( as stated in the Mission and Vision statement) reflect total dedication to education in the true sense where each child is considered a unique individual and all the activities are focused on exploring and showcasing their potential to the optimum.

Admissions Enquiry

Parent / Guardian Details
Student Details